
The OSINT Foundation committees implement the vision and goals of the Foundation. 

The committees are established by the the OSINT Foundation President, and consist of up to seven OSINT leaders or subject matter experts from government and industry.

Committee/subcommittee members serve an initial one-year term with the option to serve for an additional two-year term, for a maximum of three consecutive years. An individual may return to a committee/subcommittee they previously served on if at least a year has passed since they were last on the committee/subcommittee.



In order to ensure maximum representation from across the U.S. Intelligence Community, industry and academia, each committee has no more than seven members, four from government and three from industry or academia:

  • An IC element may have no more than one representative on each committee or subcommittee for a maximum of four representatives across all committees and subcommittees
  • A private sector company or academic institution is limited to a total of two members across all committees and subcommittees
  • Working groups are established for specific purposes and do not have membership limits in order to maximize expertise to carry out the group's tasking
  • Members of committees and subcommittees receive annual dues remission during their tenure.

Current Committee Structure

The OSINT Foundation has established the following initial committees and subcommittees: